
Showing posts from March, 2017

Kazungu Dennis

L IFE AND PASSI ON Kazungu Dennis’  passion for the  spoken word   He has performed nationwide, won awards and built a fan base but his laid-back demeanor shows none of all that.   Today, he reveals the current poetical industry pet peeve and his deep desire to change it. Story by ∣∣ Derrick Kubasu K AZUNGU DENNIS is so normal . Just like the rest of us, he can run around, go grab dinner, hang out with friends and watch soccer with them as well. He can also do something extra. His great voice has been running Multimedia University (MMU) radio’s newscasts and shows. Except that he has a different skin pigmentation. He is living with albinism. Somewhere in late February 2017, due to lack of anything particularly better to do, I set to hangout outside the studio. Kazungu was also there, just 20 minutes away from a 7:00pm newscast. I said hello, then we started talking about the constitution. He checks it regularly. He reads it like a high school
Derrick kubasu
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